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Now your Netflix profile can follow you to your new relationship

Now your Netflix profile can follow you to your new relationship


It’s now possible to transfer your Netflix profile to an existing account — even if you’re going from your ex’s account to a new partner’s.

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An illustration of the Netflix logo.
Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

If Netflix’s password-sharing crackdown is forcing you out of your ex’s account, now it’s easier to transfer your profile to the old account you just reactivated (or maybe even your new partner’s). In an update on Tuesday, Netflix says you can now use its profile transfer tool to send your viewing history and recommendations to an existing account.

Before this change, Netflix only let you transfer your profile to newly created accounts. This was pretty inconvenient if you already had an inactive account with Netflix that you wanted to start using again or if you planned on sharing an existing account with someone you’ve just moved in with.

Image: Netflix

Netflix rolled out its profile transfer tool last year as a precursor to the password-sharing crackdown it introduced in May. From the GIF shared on Netflix’s website, it looks like you can transfer your profile to an existing account by simply entering the email and password associated with it. In addition to your watch history and recommendations, the profile transfer tool can also send over saved games and My List, which should make it slightly less frustrating to start anew if you’ve been kicked out of a shared account.